Celestin Apprentice 5
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Advanced I⁄O v2.3
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// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
* Arithmetic Coding
* Adaptive Histogram-based model for the source of data
* This is an extension over the basic Input_Data_Model for an adaptive
* model of the input source, which, however, uses the histogram to
* find out which symbols are expected to come out and how often. This
* is to get around the flaw of the simple AdaptiveModel, which wastes
* the probability space by assigning the frequency count 1 to a lot
* of symbols that might appear but never show up in the reality.
* E.g., in coding the Laplacian pyramid of typical images, the
* node value of the pyramid lies in the interval [-255,255].
* The simple AdaptiveModel assigns all the possible symbols
* (511 symbols) the frequency count at least 1. Though, it turns out
* that there are only about 130 distinct values of the pyramid nodes.
* I.e. only 130/511 of the probability space is made use of.
* Except that modification, the functionality of the present model is
* very similar to that of the AdaptiveModel.
* The program assumes the total no. of distinct input symbols
* (integers) is relatively small, so simple linear arrays can be used
* for storing and looking up the frequency tables.
* $Id: arithm_modadh.h,v 2.0 1995/02/07 19:37:05 oleg Exp oleg $
#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma once
#ifndef _arithm_modadh_h
#define _arithm_modadh_h
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma interface
#include "arithm.h"
#include "histogram.h"
class AdaptiveHistModel : public Input_Data_Model
Symbol symbol_lwb; // Region potential input symbols
Symbol symbol_upb; // are expected in
int no_potential_symbols; // which are expected to occur
int no_distinct_symbols; // which have occurred
int update_inc; // Increment to update freq counts by during
// adaptation
Index * symbol_to_index; // Symbol-to-index conversion
Symbol * index_to_symbol; // Conversion from symbol index to symbol value
void initialize_model(const Histogram& histogram);
void initial_distribution(void); // Assign initial pdf
// Construct a model for a given
// histogram
AdaptiveHistModel(const Histogram& histogram);
AdaptiveHistModel(void); // With parameters are assumed to
// be read in
virtual ~AdaptiveHistModel(void);
// Write out/Read in the histogram
// to/from the coded stream
void open(BitIn& file);
void open(BitOut& file);
// Update the model to account
// for a symbol
void update_model(const Index index);
// Scale the accumulated statistics
// down in anticipation of a change
void scale_down_past(void);
// Return the index of a symbol
Index get_index(const Symbol symbol) const;
// and the symbol for an index
Symbol get_symbol(const Index index) const;